What is SAP Integration in CargoWise?

Prasanth M.

August 8, 2024

SAP was one of the first companies to create the standard software for business solutions and remains a leader in the market, providing the best ERP systems. Marketers aim to accomplish these objectives because organizations are always looking for strategies to improve efficiency and lessen expenses. A powerful approach that many are using is the link between ERP systems such as SAP and the specialized logistics platforms for cargo such as CargoWise. In this blog, let us learn more about what SAP integration in CargoWise means, why it is crucial, and the advantages of implementing it in logistics and supply chain management.

Understanding SAP and Its Functions

SAP or Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing is an established ERP software that assists companies with different sectors. SAP offers a set of programs focusing on various areas of operation and management including finance and human resources, production, and procurement. It is also used to assimilate all the processes that are required for the operation of a company system.

When it comes to SCM and logistics, SAP is very beneficial. Another function is in inventory control as it keeps track of inventory, controls stock, and guarantees that supply equals demand. In procurement, SAP helps to simplify the process of sourcing materials and relating with suppliers. When it comes to order fulfillment, SAP improves the processing and delivery of orders so that they can be delivered on time. Another important area that SAP offers tools for is financial processes, such as accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. Furthermore, by using SAP compliance with industry regulations is ensured as well as the generation of all necessary reports which is highly important for the proper functioning of logistics and supply chain management.

What is CargoWise?

CargoWise is a logistics software solution that can help address many of the challenges encountered in the supply chain environment. Some of the services that are accessible within the platform include freight forwarding, customs clearance, transportation management, warehousing, and tracking services. CargoWise is very widely used by logistics service providers because it can combine different logistics processes within a single software system.

The main aspect of CargoWise is freight management, which encompasses all the aspects of freight forwarding starting from booking to documentation. Regulatory and compliance solutions guarantee compliance with international trade rules and handle customs forms. Transport management focuses on the improvement of transportation activities such as routes and carriers. Warehouse management improves the way warehouses undertake their tasks such as storage, order fulfillment, and picking. Lastly, visibility and tracking features range from live shipment tracking, visibility, and monitoring logistics operations to ensure that they are in the right order.

The difference between SAP and CargoWise

Although SAP and CargoWise are both strong in their respective functionalities, they both fulfill different roles and address different segments of business processes. SAP focuses on enterprise-wide resource planning and managing internal processes while CargoWise focuses on logistics and supply chain execution. This causes a gap where the combination of the two systems can improve the overall efficiency of the operation.

Some of the issues that organizations experience when there is no integration include the following. One of the major problems is data sections where information is stored within each system, which does not allow getting an integrated picture of the processes. Transferring data between systems manually causes time consumption and the probability of errors to rise. That is why data transfer delays can result in outdated data that is not suitable for decision-making. It may lead to uncoordinated and unsynchronized reporting since the various systems may hold different records. All these challenges depict the importance of integration in ensuring that there is a free flow of information within the supply chain.

The Need for SAP Integration in CargoWise

The integration of SAP with CargoWise makes it easy to have end-to-end connectivity between the planning and execution of logistics. This integration is important for organizations that would like to align their operations and improve their efficiency in the logistics industry.

As previously mentioned, there are also numerous advantages of integration. Data consistency leads to an increase in data quality where several systems are updated by the system automatically, thereby minimizing the chances of making errors. Increased efficiency is also notable, as integration helps reduce paperwork and speeds up processing times because it no longer involves the manual input of data. The integration provides increased awareness of the high-velocity environment through real-time visibility, which in turn translates to enhanced monitoring and decision-making. It is possible to have comprehensive reporting as data from two systems are merged to produce accurate as well as comprehensive information. Finally, integration results in the saving of cost through minimizing unnecessary costs such as errors and overuse of resources.

CargoWise SAP Integration 

Making integration with SAP for CargoWise means going through the following actions. First, determine what your organization needs to exchange data and control flows, which will indicate the scope of transformation. Subsequently, identify and select appropriate tools and platforms relevant to the integration of SAP and CargoWise. Create a well-coordinated plan that is comprehensive, including the steps indicated, time scale, and resources to be used. After the integration strategy is developed, follow through with the integration and test the system’s integrity with data transfer and overall stability.

Another element that would be necessary is the training of workers to understand new integrated processes and work with the systems. Generally, constant supervision and assessment are critical to alleviate issues with productivity and performance and make corrections. Some of the key strategies for implementing integration are as follows: data mapping between SAP and CargoWise, where exact mapping is carried out to avoid any mismatch where and when possible, it is better to automate, it is always wise to adopt strong security measures, sufficient care must be taken to plan for the scalability of the integration, and last, but not the least, the companies should be willing to implement a support system for the integration. And such support you can get through Elicit Technology, a certified CargoWise service partner who can do all the above-mentioned integration solutions for you.


Blending this program with SAP and other systems like CargoWise is effective for improving logistics and SCM. The integration enables the companies to fill the gap between the planning factor through ERP and the actual logistic execution to result in increased efficiency, accuracy, and timeliness. This integration not only leads to increased efficiency of work but also offers additional competitive advantages in the context of constant increases in the speed of logistics operations. As logistics and supply chain management improve, integrating SAP with CargoWise will become increasingly vital for firms that want to stay ahead of the competition.

Are you ready to link CargoWise ERP with your SAP systems? Then be connected with Elicit Technology today for simplified supply chain operations.

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Prasanth M.

Prasanth is a renowned Content Writer at Elicit Technology with over two years of experience in professional writing. With his intuitive writing skills, he finds inspiration in words and compelling narratives in the Logistics and Supply Chain industry.