Why should businesses choose CargoWise Configuration Support?

Prasanth M.

May 22, 2024


The logistics industry can be complex, especially when dealing with tasks like cargo transportation and supply chain management. Gracefully, technology like CargoWise makes things easier. It’s designed to improve operations, but many CargoWise users struggle and have no idea of how to simplify the Cargowise application that can fit into their business operations. Here is where Elicit technology’s CargoWise configurations play a major role in the unique needs of suppliers.

By simplifying the configuration procedure for the CargoWise platform and its applications, we enable customers to take advantage of the full potential of this innovative technology through configuration support. In this blog post, we’ll look at how our configuration assistance service makes CargoWise more user-friendly and accessible to businesses, allowing them to optimize logistics operations and improve efficiency and productivity.

Know what CargoWise Configuration support is

CargoWise Configuration Support serves as a personal guide, assisting users in exploring CargoWise with ease. This service customizes system settings to meet the demands of a given person or organization.

Although CargoWise provides a wealth of capabilities for the logistics sector, adapting them to your company’s needs might be challenging. This procedure is made simpler by CargoWise Configuration which offers professional support with scheduler configuration, document delivery settings, and custom field setup. 

We guarantee that users maximize the platform, cutting down on mistakes and increasing productivity. Our team ensures a smooth, comfortable experience, whether we’re changing event setups or setting milestones. 

Custom Field Configuration 

CargoWise allows users to configure their applications to meet their business requirements. This feature allows users to build custom fields for gathering specialized data, providing an extensive amount of flexibility.

Custom Field Configuration allows businesses to customize their CargoWise platform to collect information that is useful and critical to their operations. This ensures that no important details are forgotten or ignored. Custom Field Configuration’s flexibility improves not only data accuracy but also overall business process efficiency.

Through the utilization of the CargoWise system, enterprises may optimize their workflow and minimize errors associated with manual data entry. This guarantees that important information is available whenever it’s needed. Furthermore, Custom Field Configuration enables companies to modify and enhance their data-gathering procedures in response to changing business requirements. CargoWise gives you the freedom to alter the system to meet changing business needs, whether that means introducing new fields, changing ones that already exist, or eliminating ones that are out of date.

Scheduler Configuration

CargoWise allows you to plan automated operations within the application, like data backups or report generation. This automation simplifies operations by minimizing the need for manual intervention, increasing overall corporate efficiency. Users can use Scheduler Configuration to define particular times for various tasks to occur, ensuring that key procedures are carried out regularly and without continual supervision. Businesses can save time and resources by automating repetitive procedures, allowing employees to devote more attention to strategic objectives and essential business activities.

Document Delivery Configuration 

CargoWise allows users to modify document generation and delivery based on their specific needs. This feature allows customers to set formatting styles, templates, and delivery methods that are specific to their business needs. Document delivery settings can be configured to ensure that communication with clients, partners, and stakeholders is smooth and error-free.

Document Delivery Configuration provides enterprises the opportunity to improve their document-oriented processes, decrease the chances of mistakes as well as retain consistency in how documents are designed and delivered. Whether it is creating invoices, shipping labels, or compliance documents, CargoWise will allow you to set up automatic delivery of these documents according to each user’s specifications. Through this customization, not only productivity can be improved but also the quality of communication, thus, customer satisfaction and operational success will be considerably higher.

Event Configuration

CargoWise allows users to create automatic signals and actions depending on predefined criteria or events in the program. This feature allows users to create rules and conditions that initiate actions or workflows when specific events occur. Event Configuration improves operational efficiency by automating repetitive actions and processes, minimizing the need for manual intervention.

Companies can use Event Configuration to speed up workflows and deal immediately with critical incidents, such as order handling, shipment monitoring, and inventory management. Users have an opportunity to increase overall productivity by setting up alerts and notifications to automate ordinary tasks, avoid stagnation, and ease work. This automation is not only time and effort-saving but also reduces the error probability so that all operations are running smoothly and properly. 

Milestone Configuration

CargoWise defines critical stages for shipments and consolidations within the system. This feature allows users to specify and monitor critical milestones, allowing for more accurate progress tracking and automatic action triggering at certain stages. Businesses can track shipments, and supervise consolidations more consistently and clearly when they use Milestone Configuration.

Milestone Configuration allows users to ensure that critical tasks are done on time and that shipments flow smoothly from one stage to the next. Businesses may reduce delays, simplify project management procedures, and maintain quality control throughout their operations by establishing milestones and related activities. This feature improves overall productivity and allows businesses to produce more predictable and reliable results.


CargoWise Configuration Support offers organizations a customized solution for managing the CargoWise platform’s complexities. Our personalized support simplifies system settings and operations, allowing each user to fully realize the benefits of this advanced technology. By reducing the configuration process, we enable organizations to optimize their logistics operations, improve efficiency, and increase production.

Be the first one to experience Elicit Technology’s simplified version of the CargoWise application with our configuration support!

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Prasanth M.

Prasanth is a renowned Content Writer at Elicit Technology with over two years of experience in professional writing. With his intuitive writing skills, he finds inspiration in words and compelling narratives in the Logistics and Supply Chain industry.