Successful CargoWise One ERP Implementation for Seven Countries by Elicit Technology

Prasanth M .

September 19, 2024

WiseTech Global is the leading software provider for the logistics and supply chain industry. One of their standout products is CargoWise One, which is used by major freight forwarders like DSV, DHL, and others. However, using the CargoWise application can be challenging without the proper knowledge and training. A lot of groundwork is required beforehand, one of the key aspects being CargoWise Implementation. 

As a Certified CargoWise Partner, Elicit Technology has successfully implemented CargoWise One for over ten logistics firms in seven countries, including major markets like the USA and the UK. The implementations were tailored to meet specific needs, such as user access to certain branches, system registry setup, and various screen and report customizations and configurations, all designed with regional clients in mind to enhance system efficiency and ensure seamless integration. Through our hands-on approach and deep knowledge of CargoWise, our team helped these companies avoid critical issues that could negatively impact their operations and business outcomes.

Common Challenges Faced by Each Company

Take a look at the challenges these companies faced before approaching the Elicit team:

Inefficient Workflows: As mentioned, many companies could not cope with advanced software programs critical to the complicated business environments they found themselves in. Such systems were mostly restricted and could not support the international operations essential for global organizations, creating disorganized processes and miscommunications.

Disparate Systems: Some of the companies that had implemented CargoWise One were not effectively utilizing the full potential of the system. A poor initial configuration and subsequent customization caused them to work with the software at sub-optimal capacity and face performance issues within their operations.

User Management Issues: The difficulties in controlling users within CargoWise were a prevalent issue. Companies encountered difficulties with access control, new company onboarding, and operational security without a strong user management system.

Registry and eHub Adaptor Setup: It is quite typical for companies using CargoWise One to experience issues related to registry setup, integration, and the eHub adaptor which plays a significant role in the proper functioning of the platform and its components. Problems in these areas included incorrect data mapping and integration that affected performance.

Patch Updates: Another issue was keeping the CW1 up to date. Numerous companies struggled to handle patch updates and implement them correctly, which resulted in outdated software and unpredictable system performance.

Elicit Technology’s Implementation Approach

CargoWise Setup: Our experts collaborated closely with each firm to guarantee that the  CargoWise setup was completed appropriately. This required knowing each business’s unique demands and tailoring the software to meet their operating requirements. We modified workflows, integrated existing systems, and ensured that the platform could scale to meet their evolving demands.

New Company Onboarding: For companies who are using CargoWise for the first time, new to CargoWise, we developed a comprehensive onboarding model. The training was then conducted on-site to ensure that all the users were familiar with the program. We provided them with assistance at each stage of the process, from making preliminary decisions to their final realization, thus minimizing the impact on their activities.

User Management: We also incorporated a comprehensive user management system in CargoWise to address the unique requirements of each entity. This entailed such measures as a designation of user roles, permissions, and access control mechanisms to limit access to only authorized persons on the system. They describe how our approach improved security while at the same time reducing the difficulty faced by companies in controlling their user population.

Registry Setup and eHub Adaptor: We took proactive measures in this project to configure registry and eHub adapter settings, which are crucial procedures for managing various CargoWise modules. They required our team to pay close attention to the implementation of these components to ensure smooth data flow and connectivity across the platform. Additionally, by maintaining efficiency in the administration of shared operations and relationships between departments and other agencies, this structure decreased the number of errors made.

Patch Update Management: Elicit team, which was in charge of handling the patch updates, updated these organizations’ CargoWise systems with additional functionality and security upgrades. We took care of the testing and implementation of the changes, relieving our clients of the stress of regularly updating their software.


Optimized Workflows: It was easy to eliminate ineffective processes and design a better workflow since the CargoWise setup was created specifically for every company. This resulted in high speeds regarding time, cutting of many costs involved in operations, and enhancement of productivity.

Seamless Integration: When setting up the registry and the eHub adaptor, we made sure that the various parts of the CargoWise platform would integrate perfectly. This integration made possible real-time data exchange and enhanced data sharing and integration with both the internal operations and external stakeholders.

Improved User Management: New user management systems that have been adopted helped in improving the security and also helped companies to manage the staff and the access wanted on the CargoWise system. This contributed towards improving the general control of the operations and minimized the cases of intrusion by outsiders.

Enhanced System Performance: As a result of the regular patch upgrades and check-ups, the CargoWise system was running at its peak performance. This was very helpful in reducing downtime and preventing losses resulting from business operations disruption.


In the elimination of critical operational issues, more than ten companies across seven countries were empowered through consulting and optimized CargoWise One implementation by Elicit Technology. The companies have benefited through optimized operations, compatibility, integrated operations, enhanced user management, and system maintenance making their logistics operations efficient, secure, and scalable. The continued focus of the company to tailor solutions in response to the needs of specific clients has established the company’s position in the global logistics market.

If you wish to reap the same benefits of CargoWise Implementation support, contact Elicit Technology and its expertise.

Join us on a live call to discuss your requirements!

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